The Secret Growth That a Robust Tech Stack Can Unlock


Sept. 4, 2024
The Secret Growth That a Robust Tech Stack Can Unlock
In this article, we’ll share a few secrets about how we grew our business by more than 50% last year—during a time when industry analysts identified a global downturn in our sector. A major factor behind this growth was the tech stack we integrated into our business over the past 18 months, which allowed us to focus more on the human part of our business: the people.

In the ever-evolving landscape of consulting—specifically executive search—where speed, precision, and service quality are paramount, technology has become the not-so-secret weapon for firms unafraid to leverage its capabilities and innovate.

I was in a meeting earlier this year when a client remarked, “Times and tools are changing so fast that we used to say what we did 10 years ago, but now we say, ‘what we used to do 6 months ago.’” That really hit me. It’s true. With the current capabilities and the rate at which new technologies are introduced to the market, the saying “innovate or die” has never been more relevant—especially for small businesses. At our firm, Pender & Howe, we innovate constantly.

Below, I’ll reveal the number of software platforms we've integrated into our system. While I won’t disclose all the specifics of these tools—that would be foolish—I’ll share the one magic tool that brings them all together and puts our business operations on autopilot.

At Pender & Howe, we've learned that to stay ahead, we need more than just a keen eye for talent and a team of great consultants (which we have in abundance!). We need a tech stack that works as hard as we do by handling tasks and activities that can often serve as our biggest distractions—namely, operations.

Why a Tech Stack is Essential

Think of your tech stack as an extension of your team. Just as every team member plays a critical role in achieving business objectives, so does each technology in your stack. From the moment we wake up and press "play," our tech stack kicks into gear, managing everything from payroll and team communications to financial reporting and project updates. Oh, and the newest addition to our family is a fintech platform that enables us to dispatch daily digital credit cards that expire after use. This allows candidates to travel for interviews without having to use their own credit cards and invoice us afterward for expenses. Two quick clicks, and everything is taken care of.

Our tech stack has allowed us to transform from a traditional executive search firm into a modern, tech-driven consultancy capable of delivering exceptional service at scale. Now, we can spend more time assessing leadership talent and helping our clients solve their biggest challenges.

As a Forbes article highlights, “the right tech stack can enable companies to automate routine tasks, improve decision-making, and scale more effectively”. By leveraging the right tools, we've automated processes that once consumed countless hours, freeing up our team to focus on what matters most.

So, How Many Tech Platforms Are in Our Stack?

As of September 2024, we have 24 different technologies seamlessly integrated to keep our operations running smoothly. From CRM systems to receipt collection platforms to project management tools for managing our contract partnerships, each piece of technology acts like a member of our team, handling specific tasks with precision.

In fact, internally at P&H, we refer to our platforms by name, as if they were colleagues down the hall. However, the real game-changer has been our ability to make these tools communicate effectively without manual intervention. Enter Zapier, our 25th  and perhaps most critical tool, which allows us to set codes and automate interactions between various technologies, creating a cohesive and efficient ecosystem.

This approach has enabled us to integrate all of our various tech platforms into our org chart as if they were another 20+ colleagues. It's a level of transparency and service that sets us apart in the industry. Everyone on our team knows what’s happening on every project at every minute. Of course, our clients are also kept informed, and this level of transparency allows us to maintain better contact with the amazing candidates we meet daily too. Everyone appreciates a punctual update, and knowing where things stand. Surrounding ourselves with this tech stack has actually brought the "human" back into human capital, as we now spend more time with the talent and clients in our business, rather than just managing the business.

A recent article on Spiceworks notes that “an effective HR tech stack can streamline hiring processes, enhance employee experiences, and provide valuable data insights”. By integrating our tech stack into every aspect of our business this past year, we can confirm all of the above is true.

The ROI of a Comprehensive Tech Stack

A tech stack can be described and used in various ways; this article mainly describes it for internal operations. But we have made a conscious effort to integrate ours into our offerings to productize our service as well. Flexible hiring solutions allow us to deliver for clients looking for flexible talent, which has proven to be more cost-effective and efficient, thanks to our digital network, Flex Exec, which we launched earlier this year to kick off P&H’s talent-on-demand division.

Investing in technology might seem daunting, especially for smaller firms or consultancies, but the return on investment can be substantial and it allows you to do better work. It has set us up for scale, making the idea of growing our team or doubling in size no longer a daunting prospect. A well-integrated tech stack can save time, reduce errors, and provide valuable insights that drive business growth. According to Forbes, companies that effectively leverage AI and automation are seeing significant improvements in efficiency and profitability.

For us, the benefits have been clear. Our tech stack has enabled us to scale our operations without compromising on quality or service. It's allowed us to be more agile, respond faster to client needs, and ultimately, deliver better results. We are now spending our time where it matters most—with the people in our business.

Whether you're a one-person consultancy or a 250-person scale-up, the right tech stack can be your silent partner in success and trigger the next level of growth you’ve been dreaming of. 

And remember, it's not just about having the tools; it's about making them work together—without you needing to be there.

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